Lilac Tournament Rules 2024

BOWLERS!!! Please Read Carefully and Print This Page!
Failure to abide by any of the following rules may result in your disqualification.

(Disclaimer- While all efforts to maintain accuracy have been taken, the Official Rules are those on the Entry Form. 
Any difference here was unintentional and a result of my fingers not obeying my brain!)

1) We consider our USBC Certified tournament an “Amateur” event in which all USBC Rules not specified here will be in effect. Courtesy to other
    bowlers is expected and will be enforced. Rude, loud, or unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated.

2) Team and Doubles/Singles photographs must be taken upon registration for identification purposes. Should a substitution occur, either prior to
    or during an event, a new photograph must be taken. Purchasing of photos is optional. Refusal or failure to have photo taken will result
    in disqualification.

3) All bowlers are required to be USBC Certified. USBC Membership Cards must be shown at check-in. Non-certified bowlers and bowlers certified or
    sanctioned outside of the USBC may enter by purchasing an associate membership from USBC for $25. (An optional Participation Fee of $5 may be
    paid to enter the Lilac City Tournament ONLY. NOTE: This will NOT cover any other tournament entered!)

4) Any bowler entering the Lilac who is not eligible as to USBC membership shall forfeit any claims to refunds and/or prize money, and all associated
    scores of said bowler disqualified.

5) PRIZES: All guarantees as listed on the front of tournament entry application will be paid as well as at least one (1) prize for every ten (10) entries.
    All prize fees will be returned 100%.

6) All Entries close prior to the start of the last squad listed on July 7, 2024. POSITIVELY NO REFUNDS AFTER THE FINAL SQUAD HAS BEGUN.

7) Post dated and/or starter checks will not be accepted for payment of entry fees. Only certified checks, money order, credit card, or cash will be
   accepted at time of bowling.
   a) Returned checks will be charged a $40 fee and if not paid in full by JULY 7, 2024 will result in the disqualification of all scores for the individual,
       Team and/or group associated with said check.
   b) All payments by Credit Card will incur a 3% Processing Fee.

8) All CANADIAN entries must submit entry fees in US Currency. No Canadian Personal checks will be accepted.

9) TEAM: Any 5 USBC Certified bowlers may form a team, subject to the following:
   a) Men’s and Women’s events are biologically GENDER BASED. (5 Men or 5 Women)
   b) Mixed Teams must consist of (3 men, 2 women) or (2 men, 3 women).
   c) Women’s Teams and Mixed Teams compete for the same Prize List.
   d) No more than 2 Pro Bowlers** may bowl on the same 5-person team.
   e) Teams over the maximum average of 1125 will not be allowed to bowl.
   f) Bowlers must bowl both Doubles and Singles each time they enter.
   g) Two Pro Bowlers** are not allowed to bowl together in Doubles.
   h) Doubles Teams over the maximum average of 460 will not be allowed to bowl.

10) PBA, PBA50, and PWBA members please see PRO BOWLER RULE.

11) Minimum age for participants is 18 years of age as of April 20, 2024. This also requires said bowler to have at least one Certified Adult average
      of at least 42 games.

12) Certification: (Previously referred to as Sanction) NON-USBC: Special consideration will be given to bowlers certified and/or sanctioned outside
      of the USBC. However, all bowlers must submit entry forms to our office at least TWO WEEKS prior to bowling. Walk-ins will not be allowed.
      Call if clarification is needed.

AVERAGES: (NOTE: USBC Bowlers may obtain their average information by visiting and/or
                      for current league averages.)
13) All bowlers will enter using their HIGHEST USBC, CTF, or other Nationally certified or sanctioned league average from the 2021-22, 2022-23
     or 2023-24 season, minimum of 21 games. This includes all leagues whether Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall. Current season average used will
     be based on the bowler's average “at time of bowling”. In addition:
   a) The Lilac City Tournament requires all bowlers to have at least one certified league average from either the 2021-22, 2022-23 or 2023-24
       season of at least 42 games. If not, that bowler
 must bowl scratch in all events.
   b) A bowlers “CONVERTED Average” as listed on from a Sport or Challenge League will be used if it is the highest average listed or
       reported for that season.
   c) A bowler’s “COMPOSITE Average” as listed on, will be used if this average is 5 or more pins higher than highest league average listed
      or reported for that season.
   d) Collegiate, Youth, and uncertified or unsanctioned league averages do not satisfy entry requirements but must be reported and will be used
       should it be higher than other averages submitted.
   e) Any CURRENT SEASON AVERAGE of 15 games or more, but less than 21 games, that exceeds a bowler’s entering average by 5 or more pins,
       must be reported for possible adjustment.
   f) Any bowler who has averaged 10 or more pins higher than his/her entering average, in either the 2019-20 or 2020-21 season, must report this at
      time of registration for possible adjustment.
   g) NON-HOUSE PATTERN AVERAGES: All bowlers with averages established on a SPORT or CHALLENGE Pattern, whether certified as such or not,
       must report these averages as such. These averages will be adjusted by the appropriate USBC conversion chart. Highest standard or converted
       average will be used. Scores will be disqualified for anyone reporting an average as standard should it be found to be otherwise.
   h) Tournament Director has jurisdiction on exceptions to Rule 13a and on use of any Converted Sport or Challenge Average in extenuating
       circumstances and may allow the bowler’s use of a standard average if available and certified. All requests for consideration must be in writing
       2 weeks prior to bowling.
   i) Entries for the following must comply as follows:
      TEAM: At least 3 bowlers must have a current season average. (2023-24) In addition, at least 3 bowlers must have Certified or Sanctioned
      averages in 2 of the past 3 seasons. If not, the number of bowlers to complete this ratio, must bowl scratch.
      DOUBLES: At least 1 bowler must have a current season average. (2023-24) In addition, at least 1 bowler must have Certified or Sanctioned
      averages in 2 of the past 3 seasons. If not, both bowlers must bowl scratch in Doubles.
   j) Failure to report averages, that form the basis for the tournament director to accept, adjust, or deny entry, shall result in disqualification.
   k) It is each bowler’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of his/her average, whether originally submitted by the bowler, team captain, or other.

14) Use of CURRENT SEASON AVERAGE prior to either the end of the league season or the date that averages are submitted to your local association,
      requires that a verification form be completed and submitted to our office by the last day of the tournament, if not at time of bowling. Forms are
      available at Check-in. Average reported at first event will be used throughout the tournament.

15) Failure to use the proper average, or make a correction at the time of bowling, may disqualify any score. Prize winnings will be based on the
      average submitted if it is higher than the correct average. Any average corrections must be submitted to the tournament office, in writing, within
      7 days from the date of bowling.

16) Tournament Management has the right to adjust scores after bowling should verified average or other pertinent information become available
      that was not available at time of check-in.

17) The MAXIMUM AVERAGES for participation are as follows: Team-1125, Doubles-460, Singles-No Max. Teams and Doubles over the listed maximum
       averages cannot participate.

18) The team captain’s signature on the application verifies all information to be correct as submitted.

19) All entrants are required to be familiar with USBC Rule 319e rerating requirements and comply with all requirements in each separate event.
   a) In addition to tournament scores from the previous 12 month period, ALL scores from the previous (2023) Lilac City Tournament, Inc. events
       must be used in calculating a tournament average.
   b) The tournament has the right to adjust, reject, or reclassify any entry without penalty prior to the time of bowling in each separate event.

20) Entry fee will be refunded if entrant(s) do not wish to participate after being notified of any adjustment. Only the doubles set, or team affected
      is eligible for a refund.

21) In all events, handicap will be based on 95% of the difference of the total average and the following averages per event. Team-1125,
      Doubles-450, Singles-225. Doubles entries averaging between 450 and 460, and Singles averaging above 225 must bowl scratch.

DECLARATIONS: (for clarification, the word “Certified” replaces the word “Sanctioned” as per USBC)
22) All bowlers are required to report at time of registration:
   a) All prize winnings of $300 or more in any one event, $500 combined in any one tournament, or $1000 total for all tournaments bowled in the
       preceding 12 months as per USBC Rule 319d.
   b) Any rerate or average adjustment, whether accepted or refused, and/or disqualification by any tournament (certified or uncertified, House or local
       tournament, or TV show).
   c) All scores bowled that were 100 pins or more over his/her average in a 3 game tournament (133 for 4 games, 166 for 5 games) from the previous
      12 months, as well as in any current Lilac event.
   d) Any current top 10 position in any tournament or event, certified or uncertified, as well as any current Lilac event. This includes tournaments still
       in progress where Prize Money has not yet been awarded.

23) Bowlers who fail to report any of the above prior to bowling may be disqualified, forfeiting all tournament fees and winnings. Declaration must be
      complete, in writing, in ink, signed and dated by the declaring bowler. (Forms are provided at Check-in and by request and on our website)

24) When a bowler is requested to submit all tournament scores, he/she must reply in writing within 15 days of the request, whether or not they
      have other scores or winnings to report.

25) All bowlers must report to the tournament office one hour before their scheduled bowling time to check in. All team/doubles partners must
      check in together and have all necessary information with them at this time. LANES WILL BE ASSIGNED BY THE TOURNAMENT OFFICE.

26) The tournament office will try to even up all squads. Groups requesting lanes together will be assigned first with individuals and walk-ins being
      assigned next available lanes. Should your assigned lanes require you to bowl alone, you must do so. Upon refusal to do so, no entry fee
      will be returned.

27) All games of each event will be bowled on the same pair of lanes.

28) The order in which the bowlers are listed on the application will be the official bowling order. No changing of bowlers between Team / Doubles sets
      or rearranging of the bowling order will be allowed at check-in.

29) Teams/Bowlers with no entry form submitted at least 30 minutes before squad time may be denied entry. A registered bowler or bowlers arriving
      late will be allowed to bowl, however, scoring will start with the frame in which they are ready to bowl. Causing a delay in play may result in
      receiving a zero for that frame.

30) Substitutions will be allowed. All substitutions must be reported to the tournament office at least one hour prior to bowling and must assume the
      line up position of the bowler they are replacing.

31) When a substitute enters an event already in progress, (not allowed in Singles) the handicap for that set or event will be based on the original
      bowler’s average or the substitute's, whichever is higher. Substitutions will only be allowed in the event of injury. All optional events for original
      bowler are forfeited.

32) All claims for an error in scoring must be made to a tournament official immediately. No changes in score will be made after the next
      bowler bowls.

33) If an automatic pinsetter or scorer has a breakdown, the tournament office has the right to move bowlers to other lanes and take whatever steps
      are necessary to continue play. In the case of irretrievable score loss, that game (not set) must be rebowled.

34) The tournament has the right to weigh any ball after bowling. If the ball is found to be illegal, this will disqualify the bowler, all scores, and no
      refunds will be made. Bowlers may have the surface and weight of the ball checked prior to bowling. NOTE: Balance holes (as of Aug 2020)
      and cleaning and/or altering the surface of a bowling ball once competition has begun with ANY liquid (as of Aug 2019) or product is now
      considered illegal. Cleaners formerly labeled as USBC Approved are no longer valid.

35) Premature termination of the tournament brought on by war, national emergency, or emergencies relating to fire, strikes, labor difficulties,
      or other reasons beyond the control of ABC Gates Bowl or the Lilac City Tournament, shall cause the foregoing prize list to be prorated in
      accordance to the number of entrants who have bowled in each of the respective events at the time of termination.

36) The Tournament Director and/or Assigns have final say regarding all questions and/or disputes arising in the Lilac City Tournament.

37) A bowler may compete 5 times in each team event and each doubles event. A team or doubles may bowl twice with the same 5 members or
     same doubles partner. For subsequent entries, a team must change at least 2 (two) bowlers and a bowler must change his/her doubles partner.
     (Note that teams cannot bowl with 4 of the same 5 members. All 5 must bowl the second time or 2 must be changed) In team and doubles events,
     a bowler may cash only once with the highest score with the same partner or team, but as many times as scores indicate if you change.
     In the singles, bonus, and combine events, a bowler may only cash once, per USBC.

Bonus events are offered throughout the tournament. These events are OPTIONAL and there is an additional fee for each. No additional bowling is
required as they utilize scores bowled in our regular events as described below. A bowler may enter as many of these events as they qualify for.
   a) BONUS SINGLES: If you opt for this when entering Doubles and Singles or Team event, the individual 3-game set that you bowl during
       Doubles or Team event, plus handicap, is used for a separate “Bonus Singles” prize fund.
   b) SENIOR BONUS SINGLES: Same as above but exclusively for bowlers age 55 and over. Age to be verified at time of registration.
   c) SCRATCH BONUS SINGLES: Same as (a) above, but scores are without handicap.
   d) COMBINE: Doubles and Singles only. When opting for combine, both your 3-game Doubles score and 3-game Singles scores are combined
       for a 6-game total, with handicap, for a separate prize fund.
   e) SCRATCH COMBINE: Same as (d) above but scores are without handicap. 

**Pro Bowler Rule: Bowlers are considered professional and ineligible to participate should they meet any of the following criteria.
   Any PBA, PBA50, PWBA or other Professional Organization where they have won a Major Title in the past 15 years (2010), a National Title or
   5 Regional Events in the past 10 years (2015), or are in the current Top 50 in Points. In addition, we reserve the right to deem any bowler
   as “Professional” strictly with regard to entry requirements for Lilac City Tournament, Inc. events. Those listed above but eligible please see Rules
   under BOWLER ELIGIBILITY for limitations. We suggest calling our office should you have questions or need further explanation.

This Tournament is governed by the Laws of the State of New York. The venue for any cause of action shall be Monroe County.